How to Clean Your Bathroom (Basic, EKTiedoll style)?

Hi, guys! Welcome to another blog post! As the title suggests, I'll show you my way of cleaning the bathroom. Out of all of the house chores I do, this is probably what I consider my "greatest act". Don't worry, it's just basic; you don't need any high-tech gadgets or expensive cleaning agents. It's more of showing you what to do and where to start first. I'll assume that you have a bathroom identical to ours: lots of irregular surfaces, fixed/wall-mounted mirrors and/or glass holders, a wall-mounted sink, a bidet, a toilet paper rack, a shower rack for a shower curtain, and of course a showerhead and hose. Don't forget the toilet! I'll give additional notes after the instructions. Let's start! The bathroom before cleaning. Sorry for the low-quality image; because of this, I didn't bother to take a post-cleaning picture of the whole bathroom. Hi, guys! Welcome to another blog post! As the title suggests, I'll show you my way of clea...