Basta Pasta at iba pa's Beef Lasagna (REVIEW)

Hi, everyone! Sorry if I post rarely; we're still in a Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (you do the Googling) so I cannot go out of the house that much, making life still boring as it was on the earlier part of the quarantine. It's also kind of difficult to make quality but interesting content. Of course, I will do my best to give blog posts with great quality (OH MAH GASH, SO ADVERTISEEENNGG). Anyway, enough self-glorification. Let's move on. So last May 23, 2020, my classmate sent me a message through Facebook's Messenger; he's selling beef lasagnas on behalf of a food store, Basta Pasta at iba pa (I think it can be translated into "as long as it's pasta and many more") located in Project 4, Quezon City, Philippines, beside Savemore-P. Tuazon. The lasagnas are packed inside rectangular microwaveable containers. At first, I was hesitant to buy; I thought it will taste like the street food-style of spaghetti, which has a sauce made of banana ketc...